Recent Publications

Contribution to a Collected edition
Valega Chipoco, C., & Reverditto, X. B. (2024). The Ambivalent and Hetero-Cis-Normative Peruvian Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Twenty-First Century. In F. Pou Giménez, R. Rubio Marín, & V. Undurraga Valdés (Eds.), Women, Gender, and Constitutionalism in Latin America (pp. 199–229). London: Routledge.
Journal Article
Stephenson, R., & Rinceanu, J. (2024). Differential Diagnosis in Online Regulation: Reframing Canada’s “Systems-Based” Approach. Eucrim - the European Criminal Law Associations' Forum. doi:10.30709/eucrim-2024-007
Journal Article
Behrendt, S. (2024). Facing the Future: Conceiving Legal Obligations Towards Future Generations. Politics and Governance, (12), 7839. doi:10.17645/pag.7839
Journal Article
Hörnle, T. (2024). The Challenges of Designing Sexual Assault Law. Current Legal Problems, cuae002. doi:10.1093/clp/cuae002
Journal Article
Bovermann, M. A. (2024). The Platform Regulation and DSA Conference. MMR-Aktuell, (7), 02014.
Wallenfels, L. L. (2024). Gefahr und allgemeines Lebensrisiko: zur Beurteilung sozialadäquater Risiken (Vol. 1) Grundfragen des Straf- und Sicherheitsrechts. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. doi:10.1628/978-3-16-162491-9
Journal Article
Cordes, M. (2024). The playing field of empirical facts: on the interrelations between moral and empirical beliefs in reflective equilibrium. Synthese, 203, 122. doi:10.1007/s11229-024-04553-8
Journal Article
Kartalova, S. (2024). Trust and the Exchange of EU Classified Information: The Example of Absolute Originator Control Impeding Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny at Europol. German Law Journal. doi:10.1017/glj.2023.104
Journal Article
Kartalova, S. (2024). Trust and the Procedural Requirements of Article 7(2) TEU: When More than One Bad Apple Spoils the Barrel. German Law Journal. doi:10.1017/glj.2023.118
Journal Article
Pingen, A. (2024). Vom Ausnahme- zum Normalzustand. Die Suche nach einem langfristigen rechtlichen Präventionsinstrument. Trajectoires - La Revue de la Jeune Recherche Franco-Allemande, 17. doi:10.4000/trajectoires.10250
Journal Article
Vermeent, S., Young, E. S., Van Gelder, J.-L., & Frankenhuis, W. E. (2024). Childhood adversity is not associated with lowered inhibition, but slower perceptual processing: A Drift Diffusion Model analysis. PsyArXiv. doi:10.31234/
Journal Article
Casali, N., Filippi, S., & Feraco, T. (2024). Does Inequality Shape Human Character? Cross-Cultural Associations between Character Strengths and the Gini Index in 68 Countries. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25, 37. doi:10.1007/s10902-024-00751-w
Journal Article
Albrecht, H.-J. (2024). Kriminologie der Strafverteidigung. Strafverteidiger, 44(3), 201–207.
Journal Article
Arnold, J. (2024). Statt eines Resümees: Strafverteidigung – Ein- und Ausblicke der Wissenschaft. Strafverteidiger, 44(3), 207–211.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Valega Chipoco, C., & Cabello, S. A. (2024). La importancia de pensar más allá de las categorías de identidad: ¿por qué y cómo aplicar un enfoque interseccional en las políticas públicas que promueven la igualdad? In R. Bregaglio Lazarte & A. D'Ávila Lopes (Eds.), Derechos Humanos y Vulnerabilidades: Perspectivas Latinoamericanas (pp. 19–52). Editorial Ius et Veritas.
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