Editing & Press

The press and public relations office keeps you up to date on news from the Institute and provides journalists with a wide range of press material on current research topics. The role of the editorial and translation team is to support the Institute’s researchers in the editing and publication of their findings in academic jour­nals, edited volumes, and mon­o­graphs.

Hillemanns, Carolin
Head of Editing & Press
  • +49 761 7081-320
Hofmann, Ines
Editorial office
  • +49 761 7081-247
John, Katharina
Editorial office
  • +49 761 7081-210
Lickert, Beate
Online editor
  • +49 761 7081-236
Murphy, Christopher
  • +49 761 7081-1225
Norman, Sarah
  • +49 761 7081-323
Schaich, Anna
Public Relations Officer
  • +49 761 7081-273
Tie, Indira
  • +49 761 7081-1226
Zeeck, Benjamin
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