The administration is responsible for the smooth running of the Institute. They do the hiring, procurement, financing and other organizational matters.
Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Kriminalität, Sicherheit und Recht
Günterstalstraße 73
79100 Freiburg i. Br.
Tel.: +49 761 7081-0
Fax: +49 761 7081-294
Email: info@csl.mpg.de
Service Areas
Hiring | Financing |
Phone extension: -1203 | Phone extension: -1208 |
career@csl.mpg.de | finanzen@csl.mpg.de |
Purchasing | Housing |
Phone extension: -1205 | Phone extension: -1229 |
einkauf@csl.mpg.de | housing@csl.mpg.de |
Human Resources | Travel |
Phone extension: -1203 | Phone extension: -1211 |
personal@csl.mpg.de | reisestelle@csl.mpg.de |
Conferences and Event Management |
Phone extension: -1213 |
conference@csl.mpg.de |